1. If you want to better manage your puzzles, please sign in and continue. It's free and you'll get more benefits.
  2. The picture should be sharp, well sized (1024 x 768 pixels or more recommended), without any link, inscription, borderline, advertisement or timestamp.
  3. The content of the picture should be interesting. Some images of your grandfather, living room or grandfather in the living room aren't attractive for other users to play.
  4. Our website is visited by children, so please accept our Terms of Service or place an inappropriate picture to private album.
  5. Give your picture an enticing name (not e.g. "pic 2564").
  6. For family photos you should use the private album.
  7. Choose the right amount of pieces. A picture with 300 pieces which are mostly sky are not attractive for other users.
  8. Use less pieces for puzzles attractive for children.
  9. Don't forget to setup tags, other people will find your puzzles easier.
  10. It's better to use more tags than just one.

    Efficient combination:
    • architecture Spain Barcelona
    • animal Africa safari lion
    • animal black cat
    • art "Jackson Pollock" "No. 5"
    • "New York" streat

    Inefficient combination:
    • puzzle
    • animal
    • red

  11. Always use the correct Tag corresponding with the content of the picture. We punish the scammer by blocking of the account.
  12. Quality is the order of the day. It's better to have one sharp image of your favorite actor than 50 fuzzy one.
  13. Real images are better than AI generated ones.
Thank you and enjoy your puzzling.